About the Board

The West Morris Regional High School District (WMRHSD) Board of Education is comprised of nine members who represent five municipalities in western Morris County; Mendham Borough, Mendham Township, Chester Borough, Chester Township, and Washington Township. Because Chester Borough and Chester Township have joined to form a consolidated K-8 school district, there are a total of four separate K-8 districts that send students to the WMRHSD.

The nine members of the WMRHSD Board of Education (BOE) are elected on a rotating basis every three years. Elections are held in November, and residents from each municipality are given the opportunity to cast their votes for their representative to the regional BOE. The WMRHSD budget is automatically adopted as long as it meets the state mandate, which states that the increase in the annual property tax levy must not exceed 2%.

The New Jersey Constitution puts responsibility for public education on the New Jersey State Legislature. The legislature may neither delegate nor abdicate its function to make laws affecting public schools. Many believe that "local control" means that the educational function of government takes place exclusively at the local level. However, New Jersey's educational system is based on the concept of lay control, not local control, and the decision making is shared among officials at all levels of government, including BOE members. State laws and regulations govern nearly all areas of public education, including curriculum, transportation, policy, personnel, and finances.

Boards of Education are created by statute to perform a state function at a local level. Their authority is derived from the state legislature, and they perform duties that are expressed in state law or in the rules and regulations of the NJ State BOE.


Board of Education members hold elected, non-paying positions and therefore do not retain physical offices at the District Office. Members can be reached via their email address below or by fax, mail, or during monthly board meetings.

At the Annual Re-Organization meeting on January 6, 2025 the Board elected:

Robert Strobel, President

Lisa Woodring, Vice-President

Fax: Board Office located at 10 South Four Bridges Road, Chester NJ 07930

(908) 879-8861

Mail: Address letters to: West Morris Regional High School District, Board of Education

10 South Four Bridges Road, Chester NJ 07930. Unsigned letters without a return address will not be forwarded.

Board Meetings: Each BOE regular meeting has two opportunities for public comment. The Board will not address personnel issues in public.